Photo by Kai Pilger on Pexels.com
One of the main reasons I hate online dating is that it throws off the traditional straight male and female dynamic. I don’t care what study or survey claims to the contrary – straight men HATE it when women are aggressive. There are exceptions to this rule of course but they are few and far between.
As a woman with a somewhat dominant personality I know this all too well. I speak plainly. I say exactly what I’m thinking. There is very little subtext in anything I do or utter. I don’t even know how to operate in a manipulative way. The whole idea of saying one thing while meaning something else completely baffles me. I realize this trait of mine is unusual. It tends to get me in trouble when it comes to dating.
Most straight men want to pursue a woman. They want to woo her and win her over as if she is some sort of rare albino gazelle on the grasslands of Africa. The pursuit feeds their ego, it makes them feel like the woman is some sort of rare gem, and it makes them feel like they’re in control. Any woman who makes it known too early that she is also actively pursuing a man is seen as less desirable, desperate or pathetic.
Here’s the thing gentlemen of the city that never sleeps. Despite being 45 years old and being far from perfect I can still get just about any man. If all I’m looking for is no strings attached sex it’s not a problem. If I only want to have sex with the man once and never see him again it’s even easier. I’m not including married men and men in committed relationships when I say that, although I get plenty of offers from men who aren’t exactly single. I’m not bragging. I’m not unique or exceptional. Nearly any woman within a reasonable age range can bed just about any single and available man. Men pay for the privilege of getting sex. They spend hours in strip clubs in a sexually charged environment. Some will waste most of their leisure time watching porn. Sex for men can be difficult to come by but for most women sex is easy. It’s almost too easy. There’s no challenge in it. There’s no game. Simply be willing and able and give no signs that you expect anything but sex and most women can bed whomever they please.
This is where online dating comes in. The dynamic of men pursuing women gets completely thrown off because half the apps make it next to impossible for men to start the ball rolling. I understand why this is as most women get inundated with sexually explicit requests when there are no safeguards. What happens instead is now the woman have to make the first move. It might seem great in theory but it tends to make men think we are far more interested than we actually are. I honestly have incredibly low expectations for any man I meet online. I don’t expect much because I’ve been on so many bad dates. The whole thing is a crapshoot. Most times it’s just two strangers awkwardly trying to figure out a way to bolt and go home. It’s no one’s fault, it’s just how dating random people tends to work out.
I never want to get married again. I don’t want to move in with someone. I’ve given up on having children. So rest assured I’m not planning our wedding. I’m certainly not wondering how I’ll re-arrange my life when we move in together and I’m not naming our future children. What I do want is to physically go out with someone and see them on a semi-regular basis. My bar is low. I don’t think any man is perfection personified. I’ve been married and divorced. There’s no way I would ever fall for anyone instantly. If you are a decent human being, treat me well and we have even scant chemistry I’ll probably want to go out with you again. That’s it. That’s as deep as this ocean gets when I barely know someone.
Since I’ve been single I’ve had more requests for virtual sex than the real thing. I’ve been asked to drop everything on a moment’s notice to hookup with some guy in the middle of the night. I get solicitations for nude photos before I’ve even been intimate with a man. I guess that’s just expected now since we all have mirrors and we all have phones.
Your offers of no strings attached casual sex are about as common and inviting as the blackened pieces of chewing gum pounded into any subway platform. I love sex but I also like knowing the person a little before I have sex with them. I want to go see movies, have a meal or maybe go for a hike. I want to share my day with them and ask them how their day went. That’s it. I’m not asking for much here.
When I’ve tried to just park it and let men take the lead on those dating sites basically nothing happens. No one asks me out. I get no email. I just wonder why this got so difficult. I don’t know what happened to dating. I don’t understand how I’m supposed to interact in a world full of confusing text messages, sexting and booty calls.
I just want and crave actual human interaction more than I could possibly express here. So sorry men of New York City I’m not really into you. I don’t care how much money you make or where you work. I don’t give a rat’s ass if you have some sort of award or if you’re famous. The fact that you are published or work for a hedge fund does not impress me. I’d rather watch clips of Adam Driver or Jon Hamm and let my imagination wander than put up with this dehumanizing endeavor. Why is this so hard? I’ve given up trying to figure it out. I’m just screaming into the void at this point. Dating as we know it is dead and for some reason I just keep going to funerals expecting the corpse to jump up and start dancing.
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